
Given the rapidly changing nature of China's HIV epidemic, strengthening the country's national surveillance system is one of USAID's major priorities. MEASURE Evaluation began providing technical assistance along these lines during Phases I and II of the project. Its work has continued into Phase III.

Although China's overall HIV infection rate is low, certain groups and localities face a high risk of infection, and recent data suggests that the disease is spreading to the general population. An estimated 0.1% of adults carry the virus. Injecting drug users were traditionally the population most affected by the virus in China. However, sexual transmission has surpassed drug injection as the primary mode of HIV infection in recent years. Commercial sex workers and men who have sex with men face a higher risk of infection than the general population.

MEASURE Evaluation worked with the provincial Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offices in China’s Guangxi and Yunnan provinces to strengthen their health management information and HIV and AIDS reporting systems. An end-line survey showed important strides in the knowledge and practice of performance-improvement tools, data interpretation, and the use of information and MEASURE Evaluation’s health management information systems activities were transitioned to provincial authorities in 2011.

MEASURE Evaluation worked in China until 2013 and focused on:

  • Strengthening health management information and HIV and AIDS reporting systems in Guangxi and Yunnan provinces.
  • Collecting non-routine data and identifying gaps in HIV/AIDS/STI prevention programs using Priorities for Local AIDS Control Efforts (PLACE) and Respondent Driven Sampling.
  • Using PLACE to determine whether people who engage in non-commercial one-time sex face a heightened risk of syphilis and HIV infection.

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