Health facility leadership style

The type of leadership style exerted by the health facility manager. 

The health facility leadership style is assessed using F1 section 10 of the Health Facility Questionnaire developed by the World Bank (see below).

To determine the leadership style of the health facility, use the health facility survey to assign points to each of three leadership styles (i.e. collaborative, autocratic or laissez-faire). Leadership style is the one that has most points.

To calculate the number of points for collaborative leadership style: assign 1 point each if 10.1=3, 10.02=1, 10.03=1, 10.04=1, 10.05=1.

To calculate the number of points for Autocratic leadership style: assign 1 point each if 10.1=1 or 4, 1 point each if 10.02=3, 10.03=2, 10.04=3, 10.05=3; half point each if 10.03=4 , 10.04=2;

To calculate the number of points for laissez-faire leadership style: assign 1 point each if 10.01=2, 10.02=4, 10.03=3, 10.04=4, 10.05=4.

Health facility leadership style is assessed using the Heath Results Based Financing Impact Evaluation, F1 section 10 - Health Facility Assessment Questionnaire (developed by the World Bank).

The health facility questionnaires were designed to provide primary data on service delivery, facility structures, process quality, human resources and infrastructure. A health facility survey involves visiting and collecting data for all health facilities identified in the sampling plan. 

World Bank health facility survey: Heath Results Based Financing Impact Evaluation, Health Facility Questionnaire: F1 - Health Facility Assessment Questionnaire (Section 10 - Leadership).

Leadership styles refer to how leaders express specific behaviors. This indicator aims to categorize the leadership style of the health facility as either collaborative, autocratic or laissez-faire, in an effort to explore a range of directive and supportive behaviors.

The autocratic leadership style allows managers to make decisions alone without the input of others while a laissez-faire leader exhibits little direct supervision of employees and fails to provide regular feedback to those under his/her supervision. The collaborative leadership style is democratic, valuing the input of team members and peers and allowing employees to make contributions to the decision-making process.

Leadership and governance, Facility management

Vermeersch C, Rothenbühler E, Sturdy JR. Impact Evaluation Toolkit Measuring the Impact of Results-Based Financing on Maternal and Child Health.; 2012.

Wendt, H., Euwema, M. C., & van Emmerik, I. H. (2009). Leadership and team cohesiveness across cultures. The Leadership Quarterly, 20(3), 358-370. 

The complete toolkit and health facility survey can be found on the World Bank website at:,,contentMDK:23262154~pagePK:64168427~piPK:64168435~theSitePK:8811876,00.html

Filed under: Facility management , Leadership and governance
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