Percent of women with prolonged labour

Percent of women with prolonged labour.

Number of women who have not given birth or were not transferred out within 12 hours of active labour.

Total number of women admitted during labour and childbirth in the past 3 months.

Age, place of residence, socioeconomic status, type of facility.

Collected by delegated staff from available records. 

Generally available through birth records and/or partographs, birth unit registry, patient records, and/or chart review.

Prolonged obstructed labour is an important cause of maternal and perinatal mortality and morbidity. This indicator looks at the proportion of women in active labour (i.e. with a cervical dilatation of ≥4 cm (documented, with clear documentation of delivery time) for more than 12 hours, since these women should have been delivered in the facility after augmentation of labour or operative delivery or should have been referred elsewhere for these interventions.

Safety of care, Process of Care, Obstetric care, Labor and delivery, Intrapartum care, Maternal health

World Health Organization (WHO). Consultation on Improving Measurement of the Quality of Maternal, Newborn and Child Care in Health Facilities.; 2013.

Filed under: Intrapartum care , Labor and delivery , Maternal health , Obstetric care , Process of Care , Safety of care
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