Percent of pregnant women who have a preparedness plan for birth and complications

Percent of pregnant women who have a preparedness plan for birth and complications.

Number of pregnant women with a preparedness plan for birth and complications.

Total number of pregnant women attending at least one antenatal care visit.

Age, place of residence, socioeconomic status, type of facility.


Chart reviews

All pregnant women should have a plan for birth and for dealing with unexpected adverse events, such as complications or emergencies, that may occur during pregnancy, childbirth or the immediate postnatal at each antenatal assessment and at least one month prior to the expected date of birth. The plan will assist women and their partners and families to be adequately prepared for childbirth by making plans on how to respond if complications or unexpected adverse events occur to the woman and/or the baby at any time during pregnancy, childbirth or the early postnatal period. 

Safety of care, Process of Care, Antenatal care, Maternal health

World Health Organization (WHO). Consultation on Improving Measurement of the Quality of Maternal, Newborn and Child Care in Health Facilities.; 2013.

World Health Organization (WHO). Standards for Maternal and Neonatal Care. 1.9 Birth and emergency preparedness in antenatal care. Integrated Management of pregnancy and Childbirth (IMPAC). 2006

Filed under: Antenatal care , Maternal health , Process of Care , Safety of care
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