Tools and Tips

Materials providing brief introductions to several spatial analysis tools and techniques, as well as lists of online sources for third-party training and for spatial data repositories.
Overview of QGIS
one-page flyer depicting some of the features of QGIS
Overview of GeoDa
An introduction to a free software package called GeoDa which is useful for exploratory analysis of geographic data
Collecting GPS coordinates
A brief overview of the basic functions of a GPS hand-held receiver which are needed to collect geographic data points
List of Spatial Data Sources
A list of websites featuring geographic base data
List of GIS training and mapping tools
A list of links containing GIS training materials and also mapping tools
Mapping Tools and Resources
Provides an overview of several common mapping tools including ArcGIS, DevInfo, DIVA-GIS, Epi-Map, Google Earth, and the MEASURE E2G tool, and compares features, pros, and cons of each.
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