Spatial Data Fundamentals

These training materials provide an overview of GIS and of the most important considerations in the many kinds of geographic data, such as data storage and organizational schemas, cartographic (mapping) principals, coordinate systems, and confidentiality issues.
Data 101
Fundamentals of data in a GIS, including data structures and schemas, metadata, the concept of data linking, and issues of confidentiality.
GIS Fundamentals
Provides a background on GIS principals such as its ability to manage and represent geographic data in vector and raster formats.
Spatial Data Fundamentals
Used at the CESAG workshop in Dakar, Senegal, February 2010. Presents some fundamental characteristics of geographic data, including some basic information about geographic identifiers and data schemas.
Map Fundamentals
An overview of the ways maps have been used to study medical geography. Gives examples of maps and talks about types of maps which are best for different purposes. Gives examples of good map design and cartographic standards to consider when producing a map.
Principals in Mapmaking
Helps people to learn what it is to think spatially and shows examples of different types of maps. Also talks about map design considerations and methods of classifying and displaying gegoraphic data.
Introduction to the UTM coordinate system
Focused on Africa, this 3 page document gives a graphical and verbal description of the UTM (Universal Transverse Mercator) coordinate system, which is a common geographic coordinate system using meters for measurement
Datum and Projections
Provides examples of geographic coordinate systems, explains the concept of a datum, and provides an overview of some common types of map projections and their differences.
Confidentiality When Using Spatial Data
Presents discussion of privacy and confidentiality issues to consider when using geographic data. Presents strategies for protecting confidentiality.
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