Family Planning in Guatemala. The Achievements of 50 Years

Author(s): Santiso-Gálvez R, Ward VM, Bertrand JT
Year: 2015
This publication is one of eight case studies that were developed as part of a broader review entitled Family Planning in Latin America and the Caribbean: The Achievements of 50 Years. As its title implies, the larger review documents and analyzes the accomplishments in the entire region since the initiation of U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) funding in the early 1960s.
Family planning and reproductive health now form part of Guatemala’s national agenda. Demand and services have increased; the newest challenge is to tailor services to increase access and meet the needs and preferences of potential clients, especially young people and members of indigenous groups. As the number of services increases and access advances, it will be important to improve the quality of services (e.g., assuring that they are user-friendly and culturally appropriate). Existing medical and institutional barriers must be removed and users must be able to demand quality care as a human right.
Other case studies in this series review family planning achievements in Colombia, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Haiti, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Paraguay. An executive summary for the report is also available.
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