Family Planning in El Salvador. The Achievements of 50 Years

Author(s): Santiso-Gálvez R, Ward VM, Bertrand JT
Year: 2015
This publication is one of eight case studies that were developed as part of a broader review entitled Family Planning in Latin America and the Caribbean: The Achievements of 50 Years. As its title implies, the larger review documents and analyzes the accomplishments in the entire region since the initiation of U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) funding in the early 1960s.
El Salvador has made enormous progress in terms of family planning over the past five decades. It has reduced fertility rates; it has developed a robust legal and regulatory framework for FP; it has allocated resources for procuring contraceptives for its population; it now offers information and contraceptive services to the entire population of the country with the active participation of civil society organizations, especially women’s organizations.
Other case studies in this series review family planning achievements in Colombia, Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Haiti, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Paraguay.
An executive summary for the report is also available.
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