How Kenya Monitors Health Information System Performance – Findings from a Case Study

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2017
A high-functioning health information system (HIS) provides high-quality data to be used for decision making at all levels of the health system. Governments in low- and middle-income countries and international donors agree that HIS strengthening activities increase the use of high-quality health data, leading to improved health service delivery and outcomes. However, few guidelines and tools exist to help these countries assess whether HIS strengthening activities improve HIS performance, specifically regarding data quality and data use. The Health Information Systems Strengthening Model (HISSM) of MEASURE Evaluation—a project funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)—describes data quality and data use as two areas of HIS performance.
In 2015, a team from MEASURE Evaluation conducted a case study in Kenya to understand how the Ministry of Health (MOH) and select national health programs are planning, implementing, and measuring processes to improve HIS data quality and data use. Although Kenya receives support to strengthen its HIS, few documents are publicly available that describe how the country monitors HIS performance. The purpose of the case study was to understand and document the policies and practices being undertaken in Kenya to measure the performance of the HIS. This case study focuses on the monitoring of HIS performance measurement—specifically, data quality and data use—in Kenya. Lessons learned were used to identify needs and develop tools to support HIS managers in assessing and monitoring HIS performance.