How Kenya Monitors Health Information System Performance: A Case Study

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2017
A properly functioning health information system (HIS) gets the right information into the right hands at the right time, enabling policymakers, managers, and individual service providers to make informed choices on decisions ranging from patient care to national budgets. Monitoring HIS performance can help produce timely and high-quality data that can be used for evidence-informed decision making to plan, implement, and improve health programs and allocate resources effectively.
As part of MEASURE Evaluation’s Phase IV Learning Agenda to strengthen HIS, MEASURE Evaluation, which is funded by the United States Agency for International Development, conducted a case study in Kenya to provide greater in-depth understanding of how different countries measure the performance of their HIS.
This case study describes how HIS performance is currently monitored in Kenya based on interviews with the government and partners, review of documents, and review of HIS indicators. The goal of the case study is to inform a guidance document that will provide technical assistance in monitoring HIS performance in-country by stakeholders, HIS managers, and HIS implementers.