Building M&E Capacity in Kenya

MEASURE Evaluation PIMA assists with the development of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems in Kenya, including counties, a new governance level instituted in the country’s new constitution. This associate award seeks to decrease Kenya’s need for external M&E technical assistance in the future.


MEASURE Evaluation PIMA (MEval-PIMA) was funded in 2012 by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) in Kenya to support the Ministry of Health (MOH) to strengthen the capacity of health officials at the national and county levels for the M&E of health programs and for making better use of health data for decision making. 

MEASURE Evaluation PIMA assisted with the development of monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems in Kenya, including counties, a new governance level instituted in the country’s new constitution. This associate award sought to decrease Kenya’s need for external M&E technical assistance in the future.

To build the M&E capacity of the Ministry of Health to identify and respond to information needs at the national and sub-national levels, MEASURE Evaluation PIMA (MEval-PIMA) focused on the Ministry’s Divisions of Malaria Control, Reproductive Health, Community Health Strategy, Disease Surveillance and Response, and Integrated Disease Surveillance and Strategy, as well the country’s 47 county health management teams. MEval-PIMA worked to institutionalize capacity assessment, needs prioritization, and action planning within the targeted programs by providing a full package of technical assistance including supporting the revision or development of institutional strategies, building leadership and management for M&E, and developing and implementing tools and workshops.

MEASURE Evaluation PIMA moderated a community of practice that connects M&E professionals in Kenya to identify, discuss, and exchange best practices in M&E. Participate here.

To improve availability and use of quality health information at the national and sub-national levels, MEASURE Evaluation PIMA:

  • Strengthened the community health information system (CHIS), monitoring of the referral system, and vital event systems
  • Developed and supported CHIS Centers of Excellence in each county
  • Worked with the county health management teams (CHMTs) to promote the demand for CHIS data, and develop and implement solutions to improve community health worker and community health extension worker data collection, management, and reporting
  • Provided technical support in the development and implementation of referral monitoring system (RMS) standards and training system
  • Strengthened the systematic collection, analysis, and dissemination of mortality and other vital events data among all levels of government by supporting activities leading to an increased death registration coverage rate and by collaborating with the Health Management Information System (HMIS) and their partners to improve the quality of health facility-related mortality data

Additionally, to improve M&E capacity for local training and research institutions, MEASURE Evaluation PIMA worked to establish M&E graduate-level programs and in-service training for established professionals, including support of Kenyatta University’s M&E concentration in its Master of Public Health program.

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