OVC Case Studies in South Africa
- 32 case studies
Children served by Nhlayiso Community Health and Counselling Centre in Limpopo Province, South Africa (photo by Beverley Sebastian, Khulisa Management Services)
With an estimated 5.5 million people living with HIV in South Africa, the AIDS epidemic is creating large numbers of children growing up without adult protection, nurturing, or financial support. Of South Africa’s 18 million children, nearly 21% (about 3.8 million children) have lost one or both parents.
Despite the magnitude and dire consequences of the growing number of orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) in South Africa and elsewhere in sub-Saharan Africa, there is insufficient documentation of the strategies deployed to improve the well-being of these children.
To fill these knowledge gaps, the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief commissioned Khulisa Management Services of Johannesburg, South Africa, to research and write case studies of 32 OVC programmes in South Africa that receive emergency plan funding. The emergency plan provides financial and technical support to 168 OVC programs in South Africa.
- map
Locations of the 32 OVC projects (map by Khulisa Management Services)
These case studies, along with a summary report, provide information about programmatic approaches and “lessons learned” that should help donors, policy-makers, and programme managers to make better informed decisions for allocating scarce resources.
The 32 projects studied represent a cross section of sizes and maturity of programming in South Africa. They were also selected based upon organizational type — 10 are conducted by sub-partners to Management Sciences for Health, a U.S.-based nongovernmental organization (NGO); five are operated by sub-partners to CARE South Africa; 11 are managed by South African NGOs or faith-based organizations; and the remaining six are affiliated with other international NGOs.
The summary report and case studies are available for downloading as Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files. You will need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader or equivalent program to view all PDF files. Click on the link to open a file.
The case studies are organized here according to organizational types:
Management Sciences for Health sub-partners
Bonukhanyo Youth Organisation serves 18 villages in Eastern Cape Province.
Inkwanca Home-Based Care Programme works in Molteno, Eastern Cape Province.
Ikhwezi Lomso Child and Family Welfare Society operates in Nkondlo tribal area (Ngcobo town), Eastern Cape Province.
Khanyiselani Development Trust serves the townships of Kokstad (Bhongweni and Shayamoyo), informal settlements (Horseshoe and Pakkies) and surrounding towns in Sisonke District of KwaZulu-Natal Province.
Makhuduthamaga Home/Community-Based Care is situated in Jane Furse in Makhuduthamaga, Limpopo Province.
Makotse Women’s Club works in four villages within Lepelle Nkumpi, Limpopo Province.
Masakhane Women’s Organisation is situated in Ubuhlebezwe in KwaZulu-Natal Province.
Sizanani Home-Based Care is based in Ermelo within Msukaligwa Municipality, Mpumalanaga Province.
Winterveldt HIV/AIDS Project serves Winderveldt in North West Province.
Zimeleni Home-Based Care serves Msukaligwa Municipality, Mpumalanaga Province.
CARE South Africa sub-partners
CHoiCe Comprehensive Health Care Trust, located in Tzaneen, Limpopo Province, has worked in more than 100 villages in the area.
Civil Society Development Initiatives (CSDI) is based in Tubatse, Limpopo Province.
Motswadibe Home-Base Care serves Fetakgomo, Limpopo Province.
Nhlayiso Community Health and Counselling Centre works in Tzaneen, Limpopo Province.
Vongani Child and Youth Care Development Project serves four villages in Giyani, Limpopo Province.
Programs partnering with South African NGOs and faith-based organizations
Child Welfare South Africa – Asibavikele serves Actonville, a township in Gauteng Province.
Child Welfare Tshwane HIV project serves Mamelodi and Olievenhoutbosch, suburbs of Tshwane, in Gauteng Province.
Centre for Positive Care (CPC), based in Sibasa, has established 69 OVC community-based projects in Limpopo Province.
Hands @ Work’s Masoyi Home-Based Care project serves Masoyi, consisting of six villages in Mpumalanga Province.
Heartbeat serves 14 communities in seven provinces, with headquarters in Pretoria.
Isibindi King Williams Town project serves Amahlati in Eastern Cape Province.
Nurturing Orphans of AIDS for Humanity (Noah) works in the provinces of KwaZulu-Natal, Gauteng, and the North West.
Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference (SACBC) works with 32 community-based and faith-based groups in eight provinces.
Sekhukhune Educare Project for Children (SEP) has offices in Jane Furse, a town in Limpopo Province.
Senzakwenzeke serves Nkandla, in KwaZulu-Natal Province.
Valley Trust works with rural communities in the provinces of KwaZulu-Natal, Eastern Cape, Limpopo, and Northern Cape.
Programs partnering with other international NGOs
Africare’s Injongo Yethu HIV/AIDS project works across the Lukhanji Health Local Service Area in Eastern Cape Province.
African Medical and Research Foundation (AMREF) operates in Limpopo Province and KwaZulu-Natal Province.
HOPE worldwide South Africa, based in Sundowner, works in the provinces of Eastern Cape, Gauteng, KwaZulu-Natal, and Western Cape.
Save the Children UK works in the provinces of Free State and Limpopo.
The Salvation Army’s Matsoho A Thuso project operates in 32 sites across the country, including one in the South Western Townships (Soweto) that is featured in this case study.
World Vision operates Networks of Hope (NOH), which works in the provinces of Limpopo, Eastern Cape, and Free State.