Monitoring Outcomes of PEPFAR Orphans and Vulnerable Children Programs in Mozambique
Globally, PEPFAR has invested considerable resources in orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) programs but has not studied either systematically or on a large scale the effect of its programs on the well-being of beneficiary OVC and households. To fill this gap, in 2014, PEPFAR introduced a new global reporting requirement for monitoring the outcomes of its OVC programs, referred to as the monitoring, evaluation, and reporting (MER) OVC essential survey indicator(s) (ESI). The objective is to measure and track child and household well-being using nine indicators and standard method across projects and countries. The nine indicators, selected by global PEPFAR OVC program and strategic information leaders, reflect internationally accepted developmental milestones and the ways OVC programs gain from and contribute to broader HIV and child protection responses. PEPFAR requires that OVC MER indicators be collected at two points, two years apart, to track progress over time. Therefore, indicators that could reasonably be expected to change over a two-year period were a priority. The indicators were designed to supplement routine PEPFAR monitoring (which primarily tracks project inputs and outputs) and project evaluations.
Project Força à Comunidade e às Crianças (Project FCC), implemented by World Education Inc./Bantwana (WEI/B), is a five-year (2015–2020) PEPFAR-funded initiative aimed at improving and expanding evidence-based models of integrated support for OVC and their households across Gaza, Manica, Sofala, Zambezia provinces in Mozambique.
The USAID- and PEPFAR-funded MEASURE Evaluation project conducted a survey of 680 households using cluster random sampling from among active beneficiaries of Project FCC enrolled before June 30, 2017 (Year 1 of the project). The MEASURE Evaluation survey team interviewed caregivers of OVC about services received and the well-being of the children in their households using a brief, standard questionnaire developed by MEASURE Evaluation for global application.
The following materials present our findings.
Report and Poster
![]() | Report: 2017 Baseline Evaluation of Project Força à Comunidade e às Crianças |
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Poster: 2017 Survey Findings from Project Força à Comunidade e às Crianças (FCC) |