Monitoring Outcomes of PEPFAR Orphans and Vulnerable Children Programs in Mozambique: 2017 Baseline Evaluation of Project Força à Comunidade e às Crianças

Author(s): Jenifer Chapman, Alicia Calane, Carlos Lauchande, Arsenia Amelia Paulo, Zulfiya Charyeva
Year: 2018
In 2014, the United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) introduced a set of outcome indicators for programs serving orphans and vulnerable children (OVC)—referred to as monitoring, evaluation, and reporting (MER) essential survey indicators (ESI)—with the requirement that these indicators be collected every two years by a research organization not providing services to OVC households. These outcome indicators reflect internationally accepted developmental milestones and collectively measure holistic well-being of children over time. A standard survey method and tools have been developed to collect these data in countries where PEPFAR is supporting OVC programs. The purpose of this study is to collect the MER essential survey indicators at two points in time (2017 and 2019) from active beneficiaries of Project Força à Comunidade e às Crianças (Project FCC).
This report describes the methods used to conduct the Project FCC MER OVC ESI survey and presents results for the ESI in accordance with MER guidance. This information is intended to help Project FCC better understand the strengths and weaknesses of its beneficiary population at this time. It also is intended to support the project, the PEPFAR OVC team, and other program decision makers and stakeholders, including those from the Government of Mozambique, to take evidence-informed actions to improve OVC program strategy, resource allocation, and implementation, to improve the well-being of the children and households they serve.