Common Set of HIS Interventions

The most common interventions that MEASURE Evaluation is supporting across the 11 countries are described in the table below, organized by the Health Information Systems Strengthening Model subareas: (1) HIS governance and leadership, (2) HIS management, (3) data sources, (4) data management, and (5) information products and dissemination.

The most common interventions that MEASURE Evaluation is supporting across the 11 countries are described in the table below, organized by the Health Information Systems Strengthening Model subareas: (1) HIS governance and leadership, (2) HIS management, (3) data sources, (4) data management, and (5) information products and dissemination.  

The interventions are also paired with learning themes, describing what we learned from the mapping. HIS stakeholders can use this table to inform their own HIS strengthening activities.


Number of countries implementing*

HISSM subarea


Support or create a national technical working group (TWG) to coordinate HIS strengthening activities


Governance and leadership

Regular meetings of a national TWG is often an early step in convening stakeholders to support HIS strengthening efforts

Develop HIS guidance, standards, and standard operating procedures to support data capture, transfer, and quality assurance


HIS management

Standardization of data management processes and procedures often begins at the central level and is supported through cascade trainings to the peripheral levels of the health system

Implementation of new electronic systems and platforms, such as the DHIS 2 is usually accompanied by ongoing training and supervision at all levels to support correct use of the system

Support central level training on the use of information systems


HIS management

Conduct and support training for health care providers and/or data managers on data collection and reporting in the HIS


Data management

Use of a single data platform to streamline routine and integrated disease-specific systems


Data sources

Implementation of electronic systems for routine and disease-specific information can streamline data collection and management; DHIS 2 is a common platform being adopted by countries

Development of supportive supervision tools and support practice of supportive supervision to ensure correct use of the system and quality of data capture and reporting


Data management

Standardized supportive supervision procedures are used to facilitate regular data quality checks

Creation and dissemination of health information through ongoing and regular routine reports for central level and subnational HIS and M&E staff to enable data analysis and use for decision making


Information products and dissemination

Ongoing and regular support for routine and standardized health information products such as bulletins or annual statistics reports can ensure that data are regularly shared with stakeholders

*Click here for a list of countries implementing HIS strengthening interventions

For more information on our HIS strengthening interventions mapped to the HISSM, in individual countries, and a description of how these interventions can improve HIS performance, please see the HIS interventions by country page.

Filed under: HIS , Health Information Systems , Health Systems Strengthening , HISS , Intervention
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