Monitoring and Evaluation of Capacity Building Programs
These materials will guide you through the planning, lectures, and activities to conduct a M&E Capacity Strengthening workshop. This workshop is designed to be conducted over a five day period. Use the Facilitator's guide together with the PowerPoint files and Workshop Handouts documents. The guide follows each session and offers a step-by-step description of the training process.
Training objectives:
- Summarize M&E terminology and have a sound understanding of the differences between monitoring and evaluation.
- Summarize how M&E data can be used for program planning, management, and improvement.
- List program indicators and describe reporting requirements
- Generate program-specific M&E plans, including program planning, program goals and objectives, an M&E results framework, program indicators, and data use.
- Identify the five threats to data quality and methods to minimize and manage such threats.
- Identify how M&E is used to manage and improve programs, beyond reporting and accountability.
- List specific yet simple engagement strategies so that new found M&E enthusiasm, new ways of understanding M&E can be shared and continue to grow in your organization.
- Generate a plan for sharing information from this workshop with your program or organization.
Download all materials: Zip file
Download materials separately:
Powerpoint slides: