Third Kenya National Malaria Forum: Malaria Control in Devolved Kenya: Optimising Efforts Towards Elimination

Author(s): Ministry of Health, Kenya
Year: 2019
The third Kenya National Malaria Forum (KNMF) was held as part of the Malaria Programme Review to bring together experts and stakeholders involved in malaria control, and to address specific needs that were relevant to contributing new knowledge from research and lessons learnt from implementing different malaria control interventions. Previous KNMFs were held to provide an opportunity for researchers, policy makers, and practitioners involved in malaria control to interact and share evidence to inform policy and practice. The third KNMF was held in the backdrop of a Malaria Programme Review, conducted to inform the development of a new Kenya Malaria Strategy (KMS). The meeting was hosted by the National Malaria Control Programme (NMCP), Ministry of Health, with support from partners, including the World Health Organization and the President’s Malaria Initiative, among others. Nearly 200 experts participated in the forum, representing national governments, 47 counties, international organizations and nongovernmental organizations, and academic and research institutions.
Overall, the third KNMF provided an opportunity for the steering committee tasked with spearheading the Malaria Programme Review, to learn from the experiences and lessons arising from the implementation of malaria control activities and draw useful insights to inform the development of the next KMS. In addition, it provided an avenue for stakeholders, especially those from research and academia, civil society organizations, and county governments, to contribute ideas and insights into the development of the KMS.
This report outlines the approach used in the planning of the third Kenya National Malaria Forum (KNMF) and the objectives and the outcome of the Forum held on 18–19 September, 2018. The report further provides key highlights from each of the presentations and recommendations to inform the development of the next Kenya Malaria Strategy (KMS).