Mapping a Path to Improve Uganda’s Health Information System Using the Stages of Continuous Improvement Toolkit

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2019
A strong health information system (HIS) gets the right data in the right hands at the right time, enabling effective decision making to strengthen health systems and improve health outcomes. To strengthen a country-level HIS, the first step is to assess what gaps exist and what actions are needed to improve the HIS to better meet the health system’s information needs. Uganda’s Ministry of Health (MOH) is committed to ongoing strengthening efforts in HIS coordination and governance, especially through the development of an HIS strategic framework.
To develop a framework for the HIS, the MOH carried out an assessment to describe the status of the country’s HIS and map a path forward. The assessment enabled key stakeholders to determine elements of the HIS that need attention and priorities for progress to an HIS that is well-equipped to meet Uganda’s health information needs.
The MOH wanted to better understand essential components of HIS strengthening, determine the status of the country’s HIS, and identify the desired or goal status of the HIS across each essential component. Thus, a leadership team representing the ministry and supported by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)-funded MEASURE Evaluation implemented the HIS Stages of Continuous Improvement (SOCI) Toolkit.1 Key stakeholders gathered for a two-day workshop to apply the tool to the HIS. They used the results to design a road map of actions needed for the HIS to progress. In mid-2019, Uganda will share an HIS strategy that will complement the 2018 eHealth strategy and provide a framework for the country’s HIS, moving forward. The process has been and will continue to be guided by the HIS/Data Management thematic technical working group (TWG) of the MOH and MOH leadership, through the Division of Health Information and Planning Department.