Testing a Client Tracker for the Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV in Zimbabwe: Findings and Lessons Learned

Author(s): Allison Schmale, Lwendo Moonzwe, Francesca Scott, Samuel Johnson, Cristina de la Torre
Year: 2019
This brief summarizes the findings and lessons learned from testing a client tracker for prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) programs. MEASURE Evaluation developed the PMTCT Tracker on the DHIS 2 platform based on previously developed guidance. We subsequently tested the PMTCT Tracker in a health clinic in Zimbabwe to identify any issues that needed to be fixed or improved. In this report, we describe the PMTCT Tracker and present findings from the testing exercise. Findings from the testing exercise were used to refine the PMTCT Tracker before making it publicly available.