Sustainability Planning for MEASURE Evaluation–Tanzania

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Author(s): Hobson, R. D., Yourkavitch, J., & Bishwakarma, R.

Year: 2018

Hobson, R. D., Yourkavitch, J., & Bishwakarma, R. (2018). Sustainability Planning for MEASURE Evaluation–Tanzania. Chapel Hill, NC, USA: MEASURE Evaluation, University of North Carolina.
Sustainability Planning for MEASURE Evaluation–Tanzania Abstract:

MEASURE Evaluation Phase IV was conceptualized during an increased focus on sustainable outcomes, with both the United States President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) prioritizing sustainability in their guiding strategies. USAID’s Global Health Bureau developed a Framework for Sustained Development in 2014,1 and PEPFAR 3.0 developed a Sustainability Index in 2015. Thus, it was important for MEASURE Evaluation Phase IV to include a crosscutting focus on sustainability, recognizing the need for national- and regional-level country-led partnerships that optimize the following attributes:

  • Engagement and cooperation
  • Commitment and responsibility
  • Capabilities
  • Mutual accountabilities

The MEASURE Evaluation–Tanzania Associate Award (TZ AA) brought these dimensions into context within health information system (HIS) strengthening. From its beginning in 2015, the TZ AA project committed to strengthening local ownership and the sustainability of its HIS interventions, dedicating an entire activity (TZA-03) to promoting sustainable approaches and increasing self-reliance.

Filed under: Sustainability , MEASURE Evaluation Tanzania , Tanzania