Improving Gender Equity and Health Outcomes: By Addressing Gender in Health Information Systems

Author(s): Shelah Bloom
Year: 2018
Gender dynamics play a key role in factors that influence health and well-being. Decades of global research have demonstrated that gender equity affects a range of health outcomes. These studies have been very important to lay the groundwork for understanding gender norms and increasing investment in policy and programs to reduce inequities resulting from social expectations. Therefore, as countries around the world invest or are encouraged to invest in both gender and HIS, it is important to consider how these issues intersect. The focus of this synthesis report—which is part of a series—is twofold: to demonstrate how HIS is strengthened by addressing gender, and to show that addressing gender in HIS improves gender equity and health outcomes.
MEASURE Evaluation, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), helps countries improve HIS management, governance, and performance. In July 2014, USAID asked MEASURE Evaluation to implement activities to justify and build an evidence base for which investments in HIS are effective and useful. In response, we developed an HIS Learning Agenda (MEASURE Evaluation, 2015), to explore what works to strengthen HIS. See other syntheses related to the Learning Agenda here.