Strengthening Systems for the Alternative Care of Children: Findings from Armenia, Ghana, Moldova, and Uganda

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2018
The assessment of alternative care for children was novel in four ways: It was a self-assessment by governments and key alternative care stakeholders rather than an external evaluation; this created more buy-in and ownership of findings. The approach was from a systems lens to provide a holistic view of the problem. Countries were assessed according to international standards in the United Nations Guidelines for the Alternative Care of Children. Countries engaged with one another to discuss the assessment tool and share learnings from the assessment.
With each country having assessed its care system, MEASURE Evaluation supported the lead ministry in charge of alternative care to facilitate a workshop in each country to set priorities and create action plans. This report presents findings from all four countries, by system component and areas of care, and summarizes recommendations for strengthening alternative care systems.
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