Monitoring Outcomes of PEPFAR Orphans and Vulnerable Children Programs in Kenya: APHIAplus Western Kenya 2016 Survey Findings

Author(s): Susan K. Settergren, Cheikh M. Faye, Donatien Beguy
Year: 2018
In 2014, PEPFAR introduced a new global reporting requirement for monitoring the outcomes of its orphans and vulnerable children (OVC) programs, referred to as the monitoring, evaluation, and reporting (MER) OVC Essential Survey Indicators (ESIs). The ESIs are intended to measure and track child and household well-being using standardized indicators and methodology across projects and countries.
In 2016, The PEPFAR Kenya OVC team requested the assistance of the USAID project, MEASURE Evaluation, to collect data for the MER ESI. This report describes the methods used to conduct the APHIAplus Western Kenya (APHIAplus) MER OVC ESI survey and presents results for the ESIs in accordance with MER guidance. A brief discussion of the findings is also provided. This information is intended to help the APHIAplus project better understand the well-being of its beneficiaries at this point in time and to support the project, the PEPFAR OVC team, and other program decision makers and stakeholders, including those from the Government of Kenya, to take evidence-informed actions to improve OVC program strategy, resource allocation, and implementation, with the ultimate goal of improving the well-being of the children and households they serve.