Male Engagement in Family Planning: Gaps in Monitoring and Evaluation

Author(s): Bridgit Adamou, Brittany S. Iskarpatyoti, Chris B. O. Agala, and Carolina Mejia
Year: 2017
Organized family planning (FP) programs have traditionally focused primarily on women. With gender equity gaining recognition as a prerequisite for better health, more attention is being placed on deliberately engaging men, in learning about, supporting, and using FP services and products. Efforts to expand constructive male engagement are evolving from encouraging men to be supportive partners of women’s reproductive health (RH), to focusing on meeting men’s own RH needs and engaging them as contraceptive users and agents of change in families and communities.
Although male engagement is becoming more common in FP strategies and interventions, effective monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of this approach lags. This review contributes to the understanding of how male engagement in FP is defined, monitored, and evaluated. Specifically, we sought to identify gaps in M&E of male engagement and to make recommendations to address the gaps.
We obtained information on the successes and challenges of M&E of male engagement in FP interventions through a desk review of peer-reviewed articles and gray literature, including national FP strategies and policies. To supplement information from the desk review, the study team conducted key informant interviews (KIIs) with staff from organizations that are currently implementing or have recently implemented activities involving male engagement in FP.
This review makes several recommendations on how to improve the M&E of male engagement in FP programs: using a standardized definition of male engagement in FP; including male engagement in national FP and RH strategies; using strong, high-quality indicators; and making better use of existing data collection approaches and methods.