PLACE in Mexico Focusing AIDS Prevention in Border Towns 2001

Author(s): Hileman SB, Bronfman M, Martinez Sanchez C, Negroni Belen M, Ortiz Mondragon R, Rueda Neria C, Vargas Guadarrama G, Weir S
Year: 2004
In Mexico, HIV/AIDS prevalence is concentrated among men who have sex with men and injecting drug users, but low in the general population. However, these populations and others in Mexico are extremely mobile, and there exists a real possibility that HIV/AIDS will "spill over" into the general population. This project attempted to reduce vulnerability of mobile populations in Mexico to HIV/AIDS. For this project, the PLACE (Priorities for Local AIDS Control Efforts) method was carried out in Chetumal and Ciadad Hidalgo Mexico in 2001. Key informants reported 200 sites where people in these regions meet new sexual partners; researchers then visited these venues and interviewed people their about their sexual behaviors and receptivity to HIV/AIDS prevention efforts. Mobile populations in both areas mix with local residents, and attend these sites to find new sexual partners. Reported condom use at last sex was higher at Cidad Hidalgo than at Chetumal. At both areas, condoms were unavailable at most sites. Utilizing these sexual network sites for AIDS prevention could further focus programs and would complement a strong general-population campaign. Site-based programs would also provide access to hard-to-reach mobile populations with prevention messages.