Health Information System Stages of Continuous Improvement Toolkit: Workbook

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2019
The Health Information System (HIS) Stages of Continuous Improvement (SOCI) Toolkit measures the status and goals of an HIS across five stages, identifies gaps, and supports the development of roadmaps to improve HIS capabilities related to processes, people, and systems essential for achieving a country’s health goals.
This toolkit responds to these research questions:
1. What are the stages of HIS development?
2. How can HIS be assessed and their maturity continuously improved to achieve better health outcomes?
The toolkit consists of a measurement scale with 39 HIS subcomponents across five stages detailing improvement across each subcomponent, a data collection tool with data analysis tabs, and a user guide. The scale outlines key components of HIS improvement and defines attributes of each subcomponent on a five-point Likert scale.
This is the workbook component of the toolkit. Access the full toolkit.