Using DHIS2 Software to Track Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV: User Manual for the DHIS2 PMTCT Tracker

Author(s): Scott, F., Schmale, A., Moonzwe Davis, L., Johnson, S., & de la Torre, C.
Year: 2019
This manual is intended for users of MEASURE Evaluation’s DHIS2 Tracker for Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV (PMTCT) (hereafter called the PMTCT Tracker). Before using this manual, the PMTCT Tracker must be installed. A download link for the sample PMTCT tracker can be found at
This manual is intended as a reference document for staff using the PMTCT Tracker for data capture, supervision, and reporting. It is also intended to be a training resource for staff who train others on how to use the PMTCT Tracker. Basing the training around the User Manual will ensure that trainees become very familiar with it, making it more likely that the manual is used as a reference after they have returned to their own clinic or facility.
Although it is important for a PMTCT Tracker user to work through and become familiar with the entire User Manual during the initial training, the User Manual has also been designed as a “how to” guide for quick reference after training participants become active users of the system. Each “how to” section provides self-contained, step-by-step guidance on carrying out a specific task. This is particularly important in cases in which a user may not be accessing the PMTCT Tracker on a regular basis and thus may need to be refreshed on how to carry out a given task.
Section 2 of the User Manual provides background on the PMTCT Tracker and introduces key concepts. Section 3 provides guidance on how to access and navigate the PMTCT Tracker, and Section 4 introduces key aspects of the data capture and audit function. Sections 5 and 6 guide the user through the steps for capturing and reviewing data about the PMTCT care for the mother and child. Section 7 guides the user through the steps for tracking and following up on PMTCT patients, and Section 8 explains how to view the PMTCT dashboards.
Although this User Manual is designed for the sample PMTCT Tracker it has been made available as a Word document, as well as a PDF file, so that it can be adapted and tailored for use with specific local implementations of the PMTCT Tracker.
The manual is also available for download in Word.
Additional guidance on how to establish a PMTCT tracker in a given country is available in MEASURE Evaluation’s Using DHIS2 Software to Track Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission of HIV: Guidance (Version 2) at
Access the PMTCT tracker resources at