Measuring Outcomes among Children in Adverse Situations Indicators and Survey Tools

Author(s): Hellen, Jacqueline; Parker, Lisa
Year: 2019
Household surveys, such as the Demographic and Health Survey and the Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey, provide useful data on the vulnerabilities faced by children in the general population, but they often miss children who may be exposed to extreme adversity, such as children of female sex workers (FSWs), street children, and children working in mines. Globally, there are limited data on children living outside of traditional households, such as those living in the context of sex work or mining, or outside the care and protection of a primary caregiver, such as those living on the streets (Clay, et al., 2012). Service delivery organizations supporting these children also rarely share information and best practices in order to measure outcomes and performance.
Although research has shed some light on the vulnerabilities and needs of children living in such adverse situations, until now, no standardized indicators have been released to guide practitioners in measuring the extent of their risk to HIV. The goal of the Children in Adverse Situations Indicators and Survey Tools—available at—is to answer the following question: “What improvements in well-being outcomes can be attributed to programs supporting children of FSWs, street children, and children working in mines?” The indicators and tools were specifically developed to expand the evidence base required by child welfare systems and programs in low- and middle-income countries to systematically reduce the vulnerability of these specific populations.
The Children in Adverse Situations Indicators and Survey Tools help countries or organizations assess and strengthen their information base on well-being outcomes of children in these populations. This suite consists of a holistic set of standardized outcome indicators and corresponding survey tools that have been deemed essential to ensuring more effective sharing of outcome data both in and between countries and programs and to expanding the evidence base of these invisible children to better understand their needs.