HIV Service Constraint Analysis through Data Triangulation – A Procedural Guideline

Author(s): Sapirie, Stephen
Year: 2016
This guideline describes a team-based, learn-by-doing process designed to help health districts assess constraints on HIV service delivery and to plan, conduct, and monitor strategic interventions. The steps in this process help districts:
- Analyze local data
- Identify priority subdistrict areas that are burdened by disease
- Design interventions to overcome constraints and strengthen performance
This process works best with low-profile facilitation by staff or consultants experienced in team-based learning and the use of locally available data. National health administrations, lead institutions, and collaborative projects can also adapt the process to meet national and local needs.
The goals of this process are:
- To provide a practical opportunity for district health teams (national service and implementing partner [IP] project staff) to analyze routine and periodic HIV data that are available to their service facilities and offices, in order to identify current service gaps and their underlying causes
- To inform national programs and institutions of learning that support HIV service monitoring and improvement while building health team capacity for data analysis and use
- To foster the establishment of national institutional homes for leading and supporting such data use on a continuing and expanding basis
- To help the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) institutionalize the use of DATIM (Data for Accountability, Transparency, and Impact) indicators for monitoring and managing HIV strategies, such as 90-90-90 and DREAMS (Determined, Resilient, Empowered, AIDS-free, Mentored, and Safe), and of priority services of the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) at the service site and district level
- To encourage national district health services to focus on areas with highest HIV prevalence and transmission rates, especially underserved communities
USAID officials have asked MEASURE Evaluation to shorten the process and focus district team attention on HIV services. This abbreviated process will support the assembly and analysis of diverse types and sources of data in order to identify service gaps and determine their underlying causes. The procedure covers the design of interventions to address service gaps in subdistrict areas that most need assistance to reduce HIV transmission and to improve identification and management of HIV cases (as in the 90-90-90 strategy).