Child Status Index (CSI) Made Easy

Author(s): Nyangara F, Nyberg B, Murphy R, O'Donnell K
Year: 2008
The Child Status Index (CSI) is very easy to use. You don't have to be a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) expert to use it. If you do home visits and talk to children and their caregivers, then you can use this index to assess the well-being of each child. This booklet contains both a picture and written form of the CSI. The drawings or pictures show children both in a very good status (far left) and in a very bad status (far right) for each of the 12 factors. The booklet also provides basic instructions for how to complete the CSI, including sample questions and observations to enable you to make your own judgments and rate the child in all 12 outcome areas based on local standards. For each factor you are not required to ask all the suggested questions or observe all the suggested examples, but it is important to understand what you are looking for in each factor. Please read the CSI Field Users' Guide, 2008, for more detailed instructions on how to use the CSI. If you require more information about the CSI, please read the CSI Manual, 2008.