Data Quality Assurance Tool for Program Level Indicators

Author(s): Brown W
Year: 2007
The Data Quality Assurance Tool for Program Level Indicators addresses issues intrinsic to the M&E systems supported by the Emergency Plan and others. These factors, which can systematically compromise data quality, are: The inaccurate application of the upstream and downstream framework for target setting and results reporting; The double-counting of service outputs and/or recipients; and The lack of comparability of results reported over time. Taken together, these are the fundamental data quality challenges to compiling and summarizing data for the Semi-Annual and Annual Program Results, and for setting programmatic targets in the context of Country Operational Plans or their equivalent. The Data Quality Assurance Tool for Program Level Indicators tool consists of diagnostics, guidance, worksheets, and text-boxes that emphasize preventing and managing data quality challenges and documenting processes so that reporting systems are auditable. The overall goal of the tools use is to provide clear and practical guidance to M&E officers so that each Emergency Plan country program and its implementing partners understand the constraints to good results reporting and address them in a uniform way.