Compendium of Indicators for Monitoring and Evaluating National Tuberculosis Programs

Author(s): World Health Organization
Year: 2004
The Compendium of Indicators for Monitoring and Evaluating National Tuberculosis Programs is a joint product of a working group that was created to discuss the need for a comprehensive tool for M&E of TB programs. This compendium provides a comprehensive and standardized listing of the most widely used indicators relevant to developing countries, and it strives to achieve uniformity in defining indicators to allow comparisons over time and between different programs. During this process, assessments of current TB M&E systems were conducted in Honduras, South Africa, Russia and the Philippines and the majority of indicators were field-tested in Peru, Kazakhstan, Haiti and Thailand. The working group consists of partners such as the World Health Organization (WHO), International Union against TB and Lung Disease UNION), KNCV Tuberculosis Foundation, Center for Disease Control (CDC), U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Global Drug Facility in collaboration with Management Sciences for Health (GDF/MSH), the World Bank, and MEASURE Evaluation. A Spanish-language version of this compendium, "Compendio de Indicadores para el Monitoreo y la Evaluación de los Programas Nacionales de Tuberculosis," is also available.
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