Decision Tree for Estimating or Calculating 90-90-90 among Key Populations

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2018
A step-wise guide to tools that can help countries estimate how many people in their country are at risk of acquiring HIV and should be tested. That number is the “first 90” of the HIV treatment cascade that describes the global goal that 90 percent of people in a country know their HIV status, that 90 percent of those who test positive are on antiretroviral therapy (ART), and that 90 percent of people on ART achieve viral suppression. This “decision tree” guides readers through relevant questions and describes how to answer them with ready-made tools. MEASURE Evaluation, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), works globally in low-resource settings to take a holistic look at health information systems and help countries improve their capacity to collect, analyze, and use health data for better health outcomes for people. The first page of this “tree” provides a graphic guide through questions and appropriate tools to estimate the “first 90.” The second page gives more detail on each tool mentioned.
Access MEASURE Evaluation's other decision trees here.