Three Government Ministries— One Health

Author(s): Eric Geers
Year: 2019
Surveillance for diseases with epidemic potential in Burkina Faso has traditionally involved the Ministry of Health (MOH) for human diseases and the Ministry of Animal Resources and Fisheries (MRAH) for animal diseases. The surveillance system was largely passive, relying principally on staff at health and veterinary facilities to report cases seen at their facilities. In 2017, the MOH in Burkina Faso mounted a pilot training project in three districts to explore expanded surveillance in communities, using community health agents (agents de santé de base communautaire, or ASBCs). MEASURE Evaluation, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), built on this test project by layering in a multisectoral, One Health surveillance approach, training additional agents working outside of the health sector in these communities.
To implement a One Health approach, MEASURE Evaluation worked with national, regional, provincial, and district technical representatives from three government ministries: The MOH, the MRAH, and the Ministry of Environment, Green Economy and Climate Change. This brief shares more.