Conceptual Framework for Community-Based HIV Program Data Demand and Use
Conceptual Framework for Community-Based HIV Program Data Demand and Use_FS-18-281.pdf — PDF document, 229 kB (235,034 bytes)
Author(s): Jackie Hellen and Dawne Walker
Year: 2018
Abstract:This framework outlines a strategy for instilling a culture of data demand and use into community-based programs globally, in line with user needs. This framework for data demand and use demonstrates the clear linkages between the use of data, the quality of data, and information needs—consistent with national health and social service system targets and goals for controlling the HIV epidemic.
When community-based decision makers have positive experiences accessing needed information and interpreting results, and increased ownership and involvement through the systems design and maintenance process, they will be more committed to using data to make decisions for improved accountability. They will plan, implement activities, and allocate resources for community-based HIV programs based on sound evidence, leading to improved health system performance and patient outcomes. Therefore, development of this framework advances MEASURE Evaluation's efforts to address health information systems holistically.