Strengthening Health Information Systems in Eswatini

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2017 (Revised in 2018)
Since 2011, MEASURE Evaluation, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), has been working with the Strategic Information Department of Eswatini’s Ministry of Health (MOH) to streamline and integrate the parallel health information systems (HIS) for HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis, noncommunicable diseases, sexual and reproductive health, and child health. MEASURE Evaluation has been providing technical assistance to the MOH’s HIS management unit—through the local, USAID-funded implementing partner, Institute for Health Management—to implement a national electronic health record: the Client Management Information System (CMIS). The new CMIS will streamline data management processes, improve the availability of high-quality data, and increase the ability of providers and policymakers to address emerging health issues in the country. In addition, MEASURE Evaluation has supported the MOH’s monitoring and evaluation unit through the Institute for Health Management to increase the capacity of key stakeholders to analyze, synthesize, communicate, and use data for decision making.
Much of this work with the MOH strengthens elements of the HIS identified in MEASURE Evaluation’s Health Information System Strengthening Model.