Brief on the Routine Health Information System Curriculum

Author(s): MEASURE Evaluation
Year: 2017
The USAID-funded MEASURE Evaluation project developed a new online curriculum on routine health information systems (RHIS), working with other leaders in the field of RHIS—the World Health Organization; the Free University of Brussels/European Agency for Development and Health (AEDES); the University of Oslo, in Norway; the National Institute of Public Health (INSP), in Mexico; the University of Queensland, in Australia; and the Public Health Foundation of India.
RHIS (also called health facility and community information systems) regularly generate data that have been collected at public and private health facilities and institutions, as well as at community-level healthcare posts and clinics. The purpose of this curriculum is to enhance participants’ capacity to conceptualize, design, develop, govern, and manage an RHIS, and use the information the system generates to improve public health practice and service delivery.
One one-page flier describes the curriculum and provides links to its various components.