National Malaria Control Program Staff Receive M&E Training in Democratic Republic of Congo
KINSHASA, Democratic Republic of Congo—Although malaria is preventable and curable, there is limited availability of consistent and high-quality malaria data to guide program implementation and to measure achievements in the DRC. To address this need, MEASURE Evaluation conducted a two-week course in Kinshasa on monitoring and evaluation (M&E) of malaria programs for staff from the National Malaria Control Program.
The April 27–May 8, 2015 workshop, conducted by MEASURE Evaluation with support from the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)/President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI), trained 20 staff members (8 women and 12 men) from the National Malaria Control Program on fundamental concepts in M&E. The course also covered methods used in the development and implementation of the National Malaria Control Program’s M&E plan. It provided a chance for participants to learn the latest new methods and tools in M&E, discuss programmatic applications of main tools and information systems used to monitor and evaluate malaria programs, and share their experience in strengthening monitoring and evaluation systems for malaria control interventions.
Participants formed four groups, each focused on the key malaria interventions in DRC, including distribution of long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLITN), indoor residual spraying, intermittent preventative treatment for pregnant women, and malaria case management. Together, the participants developed an M&E plan and presented it to the group on the last day of the course.
The course was led by MEASURE Evaluation’s Resident Advisor, Dr. Olivier Kakesa, who collaborated with facilitators from the National Malaria Control Program, the National Health Information System Division, the World Health Organization, and CARITAS. A strong malaria information system – including effective monitoring and evaluation (M&E) – can provide data to help identify and address target populations, inform decision making and the implementation of new strategies to control the disease, and improve health.
To see Dr. Kakesa’s interview on national television explaining the importance of collecting good quality data, analyzing the data, and using results to provide strategic information for groups committed to reducing malaria in the DRC, click here.
For more information on MEASURE Evaluation’s work in the DRC, see