Letter from Staff Published in the Lancet

Senior director and staff agree traditional evaluation designs are limited in today’s complex global health environment.

In a recent letter written to and published by the Lancent, MEASURE Evaluation's senior director, Dr. Sian Curtis and technical staff John Spencer, Charles Pill and Edward Kunyanga expressed their view on large-scale evaluation effectiveness. 

The letter states: "We endorse the view of Cesar Victora and colleagues (Jan 1, p 85) that traditional evaluation designs are limited in today’s complex global health environment. The national evaluation platform approach proposed will require the linking of multiple data sources at the district level to permit analysis of programme effectiveness. Geographic identifiers are a key to linking data sources from both vertical programme and more integrated information systems."

Staff provide an example of their experience in Kenya and share an approach being used to link data sources by using geography in the context of programs for orphans and vulnerable children. 

Read the letter to the Lancet

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