Five Ways We Help to Change the World
The MEASURE Evaluation project, funded by USAID, is a central mechanism project that spans many countries, several important research activities, and guides standards of practice across many disciplines that contribute to global health, whether implemented by us or by scores of other organizations. Its many aspects are sometimes hard to see as one.
We thought about that while writing our annual report this year (Phase IV, Project Year 2, October 2015 to September 2016). We took a close look at the impact of the project’s efforts to strengthen health information systems (HIS) on many fronts and focused the report on five themes that resonate globally to illustrate how we:
- Help to build strong, resilient HIS
- Evaluate HIS and program impact
- Respond to special initiatives or emerging needs for health information
- Support information to combat HIV, especially in support of USAID’s “test, treat, and retain” strategy
- Focus special attention on women and youth
These themes illustrate how we help contribute to the foundation of evidence that all global health programs need to effectively improve health. They show a range of ways that happens, not linearly but as a system. And so, naturally, the Rubik’s cube came to mind. Move one part and another facet changes. Fix that and something else needs tinkering. It seemed an excellent way to make an important point: everything affects everything else in a system. And, achieving improvements in global health can’t be done by one group or one project—it takes a system.
Here’s some information on what we’re doing to help. We’re proud to be a part of that system with you.