Child Status Index Used in Ethiopia

Save the Children adopted the Child Status Index tool as part of its staff training in Ethiopia.

In Ethiopia, Save the Children adopted the Child Status Index (CSI), a tool developed by MEASURE Evaluation, as part of its staff training. The tool assesses child well-being for orphans and other vulnerable children (OVC).

When MEASURE Evaluation developed and field-tested the Child Status Index, the tool was widely disseminated and created interest among organizations and other program implementers.

In 2007, Save the Children requested and funded technical support from MEASURE Evaluation on the use of the CSI in their Positive Change: Children, Communities and Care (PC3) program in Ethiopia.

Save the Children and their sub-grantees implementing the PC3 program adopted the CSI tool and worked with MEASURE Evaluation to train field staff in its use.  In October 2007, 36 of the organization’s field-staffers were trained in CSI, learning how they could use it to monitor needs and track progress of child outcomes for OVC receiving services.

The CSI's projected release is Spring 2009. To receive information on its release and other MEASURE Evaluation publications email

Learn more about MEASURE Evaluation's child health tools.

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