Seminar on Strengthening the Routine Health Information System of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare in Bangladesh

Author(s): Kabir H, Chowdhury SK
Year: 2015
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and its implementing partners are collaborating with the Bangladesh Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MOHFW) to help develop a routine health information system (RHIS) in the country. A seminar held January 13, 2015 as part of the next phase of activities for strengthening the RHIS was organized by USAID partners implementing the RHIS in Bangladesh.
Among issues that emerged from the seminar are the following:
There is a need for bringing collection of data and their use for health service delivery into a regulatory framework so as to ensure the privacy of sensitive personal data and to stop misuse.
Strengthening RHIS is urgently needed to ensure comprehensive, quality routine data and use of information for decision making at different levels, from local to central.
There should be a strong coordination mechanism in order to avoid duplication of work among different stakeholders.
Providing a unique health ID to track all service recipients should be explored.
Focus should be given to a common web-based platform to ensure interoperability and avoid duplication of efforts.