Institutional Capacity Building in Nigeria Sustainability Assessment Report: Obafemi Awolowo University, Ahmadu Bello University

Author(s): Cannon M, Post S, Bamidele S
Year: 2014
In 2012, MEASURE Evaluation conducted a sustainability assessment of its two monitoring and evaluation (M&E) training partners in Nigeria, Ahmadu Bello University (ABU) and Obafemi Awolowo University (OAU). The assessment evaluated the capacity at ABU and OAU to offer workshops that meet M&E workforce needs, develop other M&E products including relevant higher education coursework and certification, and generally serve as Nigeria’s key M&E training and resource institutions.
This sustainability assessment was conducted in two phases and focused on the Population and Reproductive Health Programme (PRHP) and Department of Community Health at OAU and the Department of Community Medicine at ABU. Phase I included a literature review on sustainability factors in institutions of higher learning, from small US-based colleges to large international universities. Based on the literature review, a protocol was developed for interviewing key staff from the two Nigerian institutions involved in managing and implementing the workshops.
Phase II included interviews and a document review. Two sets of interviews were conducted at each institution, one related to organizational development factors, and the other related to technical and administrative functions. In addition, a document review (workshop reports, summaries of workshop observations and recommendations, budgets) was conducted that helped inform assessment findings. The findings show that the two universities have achieved significant progress toward institutionalizing both M&E training workshops and their own M&E academic programs.