Child, Caregiver & Household Well-being Survey Tools for Orphans & Vulnerable Children Programs: Results and Lessons Learned from the 2013 Pilot Tests in Zambia & Nigeria

Year: 2014
MEASURE Evaluation has produced a set of questionnaires for measuring quantitative child outcomes and caregiver/household outcomes, developed with the support of the PEPFAR Orphans and Vulnerable Children Technical Working Group.
The questionnaires include a number of verifiable questions (e.g., weight, documented immunizations). However, some questions may be open to interpretation for both the respondent and the data collector. Furthermore, some of the sections include questions that may be duplicative (e.g., income and expenditure, or items of a psychosocial well-being assessment scale). Others contain questions that ask respondents to recall their state of well-being up to one month prior to survey.
To finalize the questionnaires for public use, we pilot-tested them in Zambia and Nigeria in 2013. Findings from the pilot test informed revisions of the questionnaires. This report presents the methodology and findings of the pilot test, as well as the nature of the revisions to questions and procedures after pilot testing.