Technical Brief: Findings from the Case Study to Measure M&E Systems Strengthening in Côte d’Ivoire and Nigeria

Author(s): Kemerer V, Salentine S
Year: 2014
A case study to document monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems strengthening in Côte d’Ivoire and Nigeria sought to (1) document the M&E system strengthening interventions and investment from 2007 to 2012 and (2) identify M&E system strengthening progress and the need for future interventions.
Analysis of the qualitative findings focused on providing understanding in four key areas: (1) national commitment to HIV M&E system strengthening, (2) performance of the HIV M&E system, (3) national capacity to strengthen the HIV M&E system, and (4) integration of HIV M&E systems with national health information systems. A summary of conclusions is provided.