MEASURE Evaluation Population and Reproductive Health Project
- Felix Masi, Courtesy of Photoshare
The MEASURE Evaluation Population and Reproductive Health (PRH) project ended on January 29, 2014 and met its goal of ensuring optimal demand, analysis, and use of family planning and reproductive health data to measure performance and to inform family planning and reproductive health interventions and policies. The five-year project made a number of accomplishments which include:
- Development of the Family Planning and Reproductive Health Indicators Database
- Support to fifteen small research and data use grants for in-country research teams
- Development of M&E tools for emerging areas in family planning
- Research conducted in priority areas
- Collaboration with the International Planned Parenthood Federation to strengthen and support M&E initiates at country, regional and central levels
- Leadership and capacity building in M&E through five Virtual Leadership Development Programs
The project expanded on prior work strengthening the capacity of family planning and reproductive health decision makers to use information to inform efforts to scale up high-quality and sustainable family planning/reproductive health programs.