HIV and OVC/MVC Management Information Systems

The MEASURE Evaluation–Tanzania (MEval–TZ) project worked with selected government agencies and departments to strengthen the national monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems for most vulnerable children (MVC) affected by the HIV epidemic.

The MEASURE Evaluation–Tanzania (MEval–TZ) project worked with selected government agencies and departments to strengthen the national monitoring and evaluation (M&E) systems for most vulnerable children (MVC) affected by the HIV epidemic.

Stakeholders attended workshops to review indicators for M&E and ensure they were aligned with definitions in national and global M&E references, review data sources, check the availability of appropriate data collection tools, and set baseline levels and targets for each indicator. The resulting M&E plans provided clear indicators and guidance for tracking the country’s progress towards the 90-90-90[1] targets for epidemic control.

Assessments revealed shortcomings in alignment with the National Costed Plan of Action for Most Vulnerable Children 2013-2017 (NCPA II) and that most data management was run by individual projects with little government involvement. MEval–TZ revamped the national MVC M&E Technical Working Group (TWG) as a platform for coordinating MVC M&E plans and recommended adopting DHIS 2 as the platform for managing MVC data.

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[1] United Nations Joint Programme on HIV/AIDS 2020 target that 90 percent of people know their HIV status, that 90 percent of those testing positive are on antiretroviral treatment, and that 90 percent of those people achieve viral suppression.

Filed under: MEASURE Evaluation Tanzania , HIV , MVC , Most Vulnerable Children
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