Zimbabwe: HIS Indicators


As of August 2019, we had located 25 of the 30 indicators for Zimbabwe. Please see the table below for more details on each indicator.


National health strategy

HIS strategic plan**

Country has set of core health indicators

National HIS coordinating body

Country has master facility list

Population census within the last 10 years

Availability of national health surveys


Completeness of vital registration (births and deaths)

Country has electronic system for aggregating routine facility and/or community service data

Country has national statistics office

National health statistics report (annual)**

Country has website for health statistics with latest data available**

DQA conducted on prioritized indicators aligned with most recent health sector strategy

Percentage of facilities represented in HMIS information

Proportion (facility, district, national) offices using data for setting targets and monitoring

Measles coverage reported to WHO/UNICEF

Number of institutional deliveries available by district, and published within 12 months of preceding year**

Existence of policies, laws, and regulations mandating public and private health facilities/ providers to report indicators determined by the national HIS

Presence of procedures to verify the quality of data (accuracy, completeness, timeliness) reported

RHIS data collection forms allow for disaggregation by gender

At least one national health account completed in last 5 years**


National database with health workers by district and main cadres updated within last 2 years

Annual data on availability of tracer medicines and commodities in public and private health facilities**

e-health strategy


Completeness of disease surveillance reporting**



**          Outdated

The table below presents more information on each indicator. Indicator definitions can be found here: http://www.measureevaluation.org/his-strengthening-resource-center/health-information-systems-his-country-profile-indicators.

Please check back in this Resource Center as we continue to expand the indicators of HIS strengthening, or click here to provide comments and suggestions. 





1. National health strategy

Current (2016–2020)


The National Health Strategy (NHS) for Zimbabwe 2016–2020

2. Health sector M&E plan

Not available

In-country contact

There is no comprehensive M&E plan for the health sector currently. The NHS outlines the 99 health indicators that are used to measure performance towards the objectives of the NHS.

3. HIS policy

Not available

In-country contact


4. HIS strategic plan

Not current (2009–2014)



Health Information System National Strategy for Zimbabwe 2009–2014

The new version will be developed once an evaluation of the current one has been finalized.

5. Country has set of core health indicators

Yes (2016-2020)



The NHS contains the list of 99 core indicators.

6. National HIS coordinating body

Established, and active

In-country contact

The National Health Information Technical Committee was established and is functional. It meets quarterly and reports to the NHIS management committee. The NHS has terms of reference for the National Health Information Technical Committee on page 14 to 15.

7. Country has master facility list

Established and is updated

In country-contact


The MFL is maintained as part of the DHIS 2 and has Unique Identifiers for each facility. The system for updating the MFL is not documented, however, updating is done an ongoing basis as new facilities are registered or as old facilities are closed down.

8. Conducted HMN assessment

Not completed



9. Population census within the last 10 years

Yes (2012)



10. Availability of national health surveys 

MICS5 (2014)

DHS (2015)  



Data and reports can be found on the following links (DHS).

11. Completeness of vital registration (births and deaths)

Unknown –information

unavailable for live births, and 17.2% for deaths but source is not civil registration but considered reliable by UN Stats.




12. Country has electronic system for aggregating routine facility and/or community service data

Yes, national deployment of DHIS2



13. Country has national statistics office




14. National health statistics report (annual)

Not current (2015)



Zimbabwe National Health Profile 2015

The 2015 version is not available online yet. The link provided is for the 2014 profile, but it was not working as of October 2018.

15. Country has website for health statistics with latest data available

Yes, updated but has no recent health report



16. DQA conducted on prioritized indicators aligned with most recent health sector strategy

Yes, 2016

In-person contact

The DQAs are conducted mostly by programs. There are national guidelines developed on how to conduct DQAs.

17. PRISM assessment conducted in any regions/districts

Not conducted



18. Percentage of facilities represented in HMIS information

Available 98.2% (2017)


The facilities represented in the HMIS (DHIS 2) is calculated by dividing the number of reports submitted by the number of expected reports

19. Proportion (facility, district, national) offices using data for setting targets and monitoring

Available 100%

In-country contact

All the facilities in the country plot their data on graphs showing trends for each of the major diseases and notifiable conditions. Target setting for each facility and areas is done using disease thresholds. This is evidence that each facility uses data for target setting and monitoring. All districts and national use 5-year data for target setting.

20. Measles coverage reported to WHO/UNICEF

WHO/UNICEF estimate= 88%; Official government estimate =88%


See page 9 of WHO and UNICEF estimates of immunization coverage: 2018 revision

21. Number of institutional deliveries available by district, and published within 12 months of preceding year

Available by provinces, but not current (2013)

In-country contact

The Ministry has data on institutional deliveries on a monthly basis. These can be extracted from the DHIS 2.

22. Existence of policies, laws, and regulations mandating public and private health facilities/ providers to report indicators determined by the national HIS

Available (partially)

In-country contact


The only policy/act is the Public Health Act. There are no requirements for reporting by private practitioners to the Ministry of Health (MOH)

23. Availability of standards/guidelines for RHIS data collection, reporting, and analysis

Not available

In-country contact

The MOH is currently using the Integrated Disease Surveillance Reporting (IDSR) guidelines developed by WHO. There are no other detailed guidelines available currently.

24. Presence of procedures to verify the quality of data (accuracy, completeness, timeliness) reported



In-country contact

DHIS 2 internal validations are used for data quality checks. There are also guidelines for data verification (not available online).

25. RHIS data collection forms allow for disaggregation by gender


In-country contact

All the data collection forms disaggregate data by gender.

26. At least one national health account completed in last 5 years

Not current (2005)

In-country contact


Most recent NHA was completed only for HIV. The full report is not available online, but the data can be found on the Global Health Expenditure Database using the link.

27. National database with health workers by district and main cadres updated within last 2 years

Available (2017)

In-country contact

The country currently uses the Human Resources Information System (HRIS) that is updated on an annual basis. For Health Information System, the ministry tracks HR down to hospital level only through the HS/35 form.

28. Annual data on availability of tracer medicines and commodities in public and private health facilities

Available but not current (2013)



National Medicines Survey, Zimbabwe Public Sector Report 2013

National Medicines Survey, Zimbabwe Private Sector Report 2013

29. e-health strategy

Available (2012-2017)


Zimbabwe’s E-Health Strategy 2012-2017

30. Completeness of disease surveillance reporting

Not current (2016)

Completeness: 98%

In-country contact


Filed under: HIS , Health Information Systems