South Sudan: HIS Indicators


As of August 2019, we had located 22 of the 30 indicators for South Sudan. Please see the table below for more details on each indicator.


National health strategy**

Health sector M&E plan

HIS strategic plan

Country has set of core health indicators**

National HIS coordinating body


Population census within the last 10 years**

Availability of national health surveys


Country has electronic system for aggregating routine facility and/or community service data

Country has national statistics office

Completeness of vital registration (births and deaths)

National health statistics report (annual) ††

Proportion (facility, district, national) offices using data for setting targets and monitoring

Measles coverage reported to WHO/UNICEF

Completeness of disease surveillance reporting

Number of institutional deliveries available by district, and published within 12 months of preceding year

Existence of policies, laws, and regulations mandating public and private health facilities/ providers to report indicators determined by the national HIS

Availability of standards/guidelines for RHIS data collection, reporting, and analysis

Presence of procedures to verify the quality of data (accuracy, completeness, timeliness) reported


RHIS data collection forms allow for disaggregation by gender

Annual data on availability of tracer medicines and commodities in public and private health facilities

DQA conducted on prioritized indicators aligned with most recent health sector strategy

HIS policy**



**          Outdated
††          Available, but last update unknown

The table below presents more information on each indicator.  Indicator definitions can be found here:

Please check back in this Resource Center as we continue to expand the indicators of HIS strengthening, or click here to provide comments and suggestions.





1. National health strategy

Current (2018–2022)

In-country contact

Health Sector Development Plan 2018–2022 (draft)

2. Health sector M&E plan

Current (2018 – 2022), not available online

In-country contact

A national health sector M&E plan has been developed in line with the new strategic plan. It is in the draft form.    

3. HIS policy

Available, but not available online

 In-country contact

South Sudan Health Information Management Policy 2014-2015

National Health Policy 2016 - 2026

4. HIS strategic plan

Available (2015)

In-country contact

A health information management strategy was developed in 2015. The document is titled “Strengthening management of health information in South Sudan for development of quality health care delivery”

No expiration date stated and goes in line with the National Health Policy 2016-2026

5. Country has set of core health indicators

Current (2017–2022)

In-country contact

Indicators can be found inside the current National Health Strategy plan.

6. National HIS coordinating body


In-country contact

The Ministry of Health has the M&E Unit which is the HIS national coordinating body. It falls under the directorate of policy planning and budgeting

7. Country has master facility list

Not available

In-country contact

There is no comprehensive master facility list but MOH together with partners are in the process of consolidating a master facility list. The Service Availability and Readiness assessment (SARA) is ongoing and information generated will guide in this process. However there is need for mechanisms for updating of the Master Facility List (MFL) from time to time. There is for further support in this area

8. Conducted HMN assessment

Not completed


9. Population census within the last 10 years

No (2008)


10. Availability of national health surveys 

MICS4 (2010)

DHS (1989-1990)

Data and reports can be found on the links provided.

11. Completeness of vital registration (births and deaths)

Available, but percentages unknown (2018)

In-country contact

The country has a vital registration system which is not very robust. UNICEF is currently spearheading efforts to establish a robust vital registration system

12. Country has electronic system for aggregating routine facility and/or community service data

Yes, sub-nationally

Pilot stage or early phase in roll-out.

13. Country has national statistics office



14. National health statistics report (annual)


In-country contact

The national bureau of Statistics NBS produce statistical reports but not regular

15. Country has website for health statistics with latest data available



There is no dedicated website. Information about health is part of the government national website.

16. DQA conducted on prioritized indicators aligned with most recent health sector strategy


 In-country contact

Data Quality Audits conducted with support of health implementing partners. Additionally, the health pooled fund (HPF) and IMA conduct data quality audits in the facility supported by the Implementing partners (IP)

  • DQA conducted in 2017 for specific programs such as EPI
  • Health partners also conduct DQA in facilities
  • Desk data quality review conducted annually prior to HMIS report writing

WHO and DFID and World Bank are currently engaged on modalities to support third party monitoring for the projects funded through HPF/World Bank, where WHO will support the DQA at facility level. This is envisaged for early 2019. 

17. PRISM assessment conducted in any regions/districts

Not conducted



18. Percentage of facilities represented in HMIS information

Not available

In-country contact

Approximately 1500 health facilities are expected to report on regular basis. However due to the conflict this numbers have been oscillating due to closure of facilities (due to insecurity

19. Proportion (facility, district, national) offices using data for setting targets and monitoring

Offices are using data but proportion unknown (2018)

In-country contact

The national level and state officers are using the hmis data sets: 10 Former States, 80 Counties, 1 National level


20. Measles coverage reported to WHO/UNICEF

WHO/UNICEF estimate= 51%; Official estimate= 49%

See page 12 of WHO and UNICEF estimate of immunization coverage: 2018 revision

21. Number of institutional deliveries available by district, and published within 12 months of preceding year

Available, but not current (2014): 8%

In-country contact

Number of deliveries are captured through the DHIS. The number of deliveries attended by skilled birth attendants also captured.

The attendant by skilled birth attendant stand currently at 8% from 7% in 2014.

The Service Availability and Readiness Assessment (SARA) survey was concluded in December 2018. Data analysis and report writing is underway and will be available 2019.

22. Existence of policies, laws, and regulations mandating public and private health facilities/ providers to report indicators determined by the national HIS


In-country contact

No policy in place, circulars and memos in use

23. Availability of standards/guidelines for RHIS data collection, reporting, and analysis


In-country contact


24. Presence of procedures to verify the quality of data (accuracy, completeness, timeliness) reported


In-country contact

Ministry of Health Quantified Supervisory Checklist

DHIS Data Quality Checklist

25. RHIS data collection forms allow for disaggregation by gender

Available (2018)

In-country contact

In March 2018, the tools were reviewed in view of the upcoming DHIS 2.

26. At least one national health account completed in last 5 years

Not available (2018)

In-country contact

The process of national health account is ongoing. The NHA was completed in December 2018 with support from WHO consultant. The report is being finalized.

27. National database with health workers by district and main cadres updated within last 2 years

Not available

In-country contact

The use of IRHIS is not yet fully operational

28. Annual data on availability of tracer medicines and commodities in public and private health facilities

Available (2018)

In-country contact

Monitoring of drugs use and consumption being captured in the Logistics management Information system (LMIS). Core indicators in tracer drugs to be captured in DHIS2. Some areas still have gaps.

29. e-health strategy

Not available

Can be found indicated on page 1 section 1 of the WHO eHealth country profile for South Sudan

30. Completeness of disease surveillance reporting

Current (2018)

At county level for IDSR

Cumulative: Completeness: 70%; Timeliness: 65%

Week 13:
Completeness: 65%; Timeliness: 65%

Link to all reports:

Can be found on page 3 of the Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response (IDSR) Epidemiological Update W13 2018.


Filed under: HIS , Health Information Systems