Madagascar: HIS Indicators
As of August 2019, we had located 24 of the 30 indicators for Madagascar. Please see the table below for more details on each indicator.
Indicators |
National health strategy |
Health sector M&E plan |
HIS strategic plan |
Country has set of core health indicators |
Population census within the last 10 years** |
Availability of national health surveys |
Country has electronic system for aggregating routine facility and/or community service data |
Country has national statistics office |
National health statistics report (annual)** |
Country has website for health statistics with latest data available |
DQA conducted on prioritized indicators aligned with most recent health sector strategy |
PRISM assessment conducted in any regions/districts
Percentage of facilities represented in HMIS information |
Measles coverage reported to WHO/UNICEF |
Number of institutional deliveries available by district, and published within 12 months of preceding year** |
Availability of standards/guidelines for RHIS data collection, reporting, and analysis |
Existence of policies, laws, and regulations mandating public and private health facilities/ providers to report indicators determined by the national HIS |
Presence of procedures to verify the quality of data (accuracy, completeness, timeliness) reported
RHIS data collection forms allow for disaggregation by gender |
At least one national health account completed in last 5 years**
National database with health workers by district and main cadres updated within last 2 years |
Annual data on availability of tracer medicines and commodities in public and private health facilities** |
e-health strategy |
Completeness of disease surveillance reporting |
** Outdated
The table below presents more information on each indicator. Indicators definitions can be found here:
Please check back in this Resource Center as we continue to expand the indicators of HIS strengthening, or click here to provide comments and suggestions.
Indicators |
Status |
Source |
Title/Notes |
1. National health strategy |
Current (2015–2019) |
2. Health sector M&E plan |
Current (2015–2019) |
The M&E plan is included in the National Health Strategy plan, Plan de Développement du Secteur Santé 2015–2019 |
3. HIS policy |
Not available |
In-country contact |
4. HIS strategic plan |
Current (2018–2022) |
Plan Strategique de Renforcement du Système d'Information Sanitaire 2018–2022 de Madagascar | |
5. Country has set of core health indicators |
Yes (2015–2019) |
Indicators can be found inside the current national health strategy plan on pages 118–121, table 5. |
6. National HIS coordinating body |
Not available |
In-country contact |
The HIS coordinating body is in the process of being established. |
7. Country has master facility list |
Not available |
In-country contact |
The MFL is in the process of being finalized. The Health Statistics and Demography Unit of the Directorate of Planning and Evaluation has developed a list of health facilities (both public and private) with a set of district boundaries, but it does not yet include each facility unique ID. |
8. Conducted HMN assessment |
Not completed | |
9. Population census within the last 10 years |
No (1993) |
10. Availability of national health surveys |
MICS4 (2012), MICS2 (2000), and DHS (2008–2009) |
MICS4 was completed only in South of Madagascar. Data and reports can be found on the links provided. |
11. Completeness of vital registration (births and deaths) |
Not available |
In-country contact |
12. Country has electronic system for aggregating routine facility and/or community service data |
Yes, at regional, central, and district levels |
In-country contact |
The electronic system, GESIS, is installed at the regional, central, and district levels. |
13. Country has national statistics office |
Yes |
14. National health statistics report (annual) |
Not current (2016) |
In-country contact |
Annuaire des Statistiques du Secteur Santé de Madagascar 2016 |
15. Country has website for health statistics with latest data available |
Yes, updated and has recent health report |
The website does not have the most recent annual health statistics report but has a more recent report of Madagascar’s public health surveillance. |
16. DQA conducted on prioritized indicators aligned with most recent health sector strategy |
Current (2017) |
In-country contact |
DQAs were conducted alongside the 2015 PRISM assessment and included reproductive health, immunization, morbidity, and malaria indicators. In June 2017, the QA plan and DQR tools were developed and validated. |
17. PRISM assessment conducted in any regions/districts |
Conducted (2015) |
In-country contact |
18. Percentage of facilities represented in HMIS information |
(2018) 93% (3456/3715) |
In-country contact |
The reported percentage of facilities consists hospitals, health centers and accredited private facilities. |
19. Proportion (facility, district, national) offices using data for setting targets and monitoring |
Not available |
In-country contact |
The use of routine and non-routine data for setting targets for the year and for monitoring key indicators is not yet implemented for evidence-based decision-making. |
20. Measles coverage reported to WHO/UNICEF |
WHO/UNICEF estimate= 62%; Official government estimate= 85% |
See page 8 of WHO and UNICEF estimates of immunization coverage: 2018 revision |
21. Number of institutional deliveries available by district, and published within 12 months of preceding year |
Current (2018) 1,243 (including hospitals, health centers and accredited private facilities) |
In-country contact |
22. Existence of policies, laws, and regulations mandating public and private health facilities/ providers to report indicators determined by the national HIS |
Yes (2017) |
In-country contact |
Norms and procedures document was developed June 2017. |
23. Availability of standards/guidelines for RHIS data collection, reporting, and analysis |
Available (2017) |
In-country contact |
HIS Norms and Procedures developed and validated June 2017. |
24. Presence of procedures to verify the quality of data (accuracy, completeness, timeliness) reported |
Yes |
In-country contact |
This was developed and validated in June 2017. |
25. RHIS data collection forms allow for disaggregation by gender |
Yes |
In-country contact |
26. At least one national health account completed in last 5 years |
Not available (2010) |
In-country contact |
27. National database with health workers by district and main cadres updated within last 2 years |
Available |
In-country contact |
GRH developed 2 years ago (2015) |
28. Annual data on availability of tracer medicines and commodities in public and private health facilities |
Available |
In-country contact |
CHANEL database was developed to measure and track medicines and commodities. Available on the electronic monthly report and the statistical annual report. |
29. e-health strategy |
Available |
In-country contact |
Cyber-sante strategy was developed. |
30. Completeness of disease surveillance reporting |
Current (2018) Completeness: 78.81% Timeliness: 51.82% |
See page 2 of Bulletin mensuel de surveillance épidémiologique de Madagascar (BMSEM), Semaine épidémiologique: 1 Janvier – 1 Juillet 2018 |